crime against humanity again

 Crimes against humanity! Grenn Party and SPD  are leading the way.
Prime Minister and a Catholic, Winfried Kretschmann (Green Party) and Social Affairs Katrin Altpeter (SPD) indicate the direction in the abyss. The Disability Officer (Mielich) Green Party feels for the refusal of the UN Disability Convention(federal law) is not responsible.

The state constitution of Baden-Wuerttemberg is denied – by state politicians and state officials. Just as the Basic Law, Human Rights, UN Disability Convention.

We had in Germany before – until 1945 and was called euthanasia.

Attention – today refuse to politicians, authorities, emergency assistance, counseling – Make unaudited and against better knowledge, the information is already lying about colleagues (District Office lied Regional Council, but protection of the CDU party girlfriend comes first) – Supervisors are not turned on despite known plight ‚maybe they did not want to be disturbed ‚- ARGE/BA lied to Grman parliament additional illegal arrest, deportation, suspended by order of a CDU politician – Go to colleagues protection?

crime_3_against_humanity_final_eng (pdf)*






Eine Antwort to “crime against humanity again”

  1. crime against humanity! Green Party and SPD are leading way to euthanasia « 5jahrehartz4 Blog Says:

    […] UN Disability Convention. We had in Germany before – until 1945 and was called euthanasia. [next] Teilen Sie dies […]

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